Cardiologist with special interest in post viral cardiomyopathy (and the role of diet, nutrition, preservatives and processed foods, exercise, and weight loss as contributing factors to lingering post viral syndrome)
Medical ethicis: Emphatic emphasis on rigorous safety protocols for healthy children and young adults in public health policy utilizing risk stratification, rational and critical analysis of scientific data, and realistic goals in mitigating personal risk.
Current favorite quote:
“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
-John Stuart Mill Inaugural Address, 1867, University of St. Andrews